Body Scan

Some of you may have the day off today, so I found myself thinking about rest. We spend so much time doing that we forget to check in with our bodies. Our bodies do so much for us and hold so much of our emotions. I wanted to invite you to take a moment to sit with your body and check in with what you're feeling in the here and now. To do this, I have included a YouTube link for a body scan meditation. This is an easy way to check in with what you're experiencing in your body.

If actually being in your body is new for you, it might be a little uncomfortable. It does get easier, but take breaks, if you need to. The more that you do this, the more it will become a habit to check in with your body. This can help you notice when you need physical or emotional breaks. The point isn't to change your experience, but to just see what your current experience is.

The body scan video is about 5 minutes 30 seconds long. Click Here.

As always, take what is helpful and leave the rest. I hope you have the week you need.


Mental Health Day


Love Prompts