Love Prompts

Since it is Valentine's Day, I wanted to talk about love and do a love check-in. I believe that there are more types of love than romantic love and that romantic love doesn't need to be the pinnacle type of love you experience. With this belief, I want to offer you some questions to check in on the different types of love in your life: romantic (if relevant), familial, platonic, and self-love. You can think of these questions in terms of the 5 Love Languages (words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, acts of service, and/or gift-giving) or other language that makes more sense to you personally.

Romantic Love (if relevant):

- What ways do you show love to your partner(s)?

- How do you know that your partner(s) love you?

- Do the ways that you and your partner(s) receive and show love align?

- What can you do to show your partner love in a way that they will best receive it?

Familial Love:

- What norms were you taught growing up about how to show and receive love?

- Do those still apply?

- How has your love changed with each family member throughout the years?

- What do you need from your family/want to give to your family to show them love?

Platonic Love:

- How do you show love in your friendships?

- How do you receive love in your friendships?

- Have you ever had explicit conversations about this with your friends? If not, what's holding you back?

- How can you show your friends you love them?


- How do you let yourself know that you love yourself?

- What barriers do you have in showing love to yourself?

- How can you try to increase how you show yourself love?

- What new strategy can you try to show yourself that you love yourself?

It might be interesting to notice your response to these prompts and if there was any resistance to any of these questions or any places that you have been neglecting. As always, take what is helpful and leave the rest. I hope you have the week you need.


Body Scan


Overcoming Overwhelm