Self-Care during Omicron
With the Omicron Wave of COVID, we might start to feel ourselves feeling overextended, overwhelmed, or generally over it. We have had to numb ourselves to the reality of the situation and many of us were starting to feel a sense of something close to normalcy. So, I wanted to normalize the response to new changes and different levels of attentiveness that may cause frustration.
More than anything, I wanted to remind you to take care of yourself. Whatever that means to you. We see self-care used to mean a bubble bath, yoga, a big slice of cake, and/or a candle. But self-care is a lot more than that. It's the things you do to keep yourself together - like laundry, eating what makes your body feel good, and finding time for your hobbies or spiritual practices. It's normal for the things you've traditionally done to take care of yourself don't feel like enough.
I want to invite you to spend some time reflecting on what you usually do to take care of yourself and see if that feels like enough. If it doesn't what do you need to add? What do you need to take away? What will give you some sort of relief? Maybe it's just spending some more time by yourself doing nothing. Self-care doesn't have to be an event, it can just be what gets you through the day/week. I want to invite you to investigate and see what works for you.
As always, take what is helpful and leave the rest. I hope you have the week you need.