
When was the last time you really admired a sunset? Not noticed it, but soaked it in. Researchers have different theories on why nature provides us with so many benefits, but one theory is that admiring the beauty around us offers our brains a chance to relax. When we are able to admire beauty around us, our bodies/brains know it is because we are safe. When we admire the beauty of nature, we aren’t thinking about our deadlines or what chores need to be done around the house.

One daily piece of beauty is in our skies in the form of sunsets. I want to encourage you to find a time this week to admire a sunset. It can be a big activity like a picnic at sunset, or really just spending some time noticing the beauty, instead of quickly noting it. To read more about the benefits of sunsets, check out this article at Psychology Today.

As always, take what is helpful and leave the rest. I hope you have the week you need.




4-Square Breath