Butterfly Hug
There is a lot going on in the world. You might be feeling overwhelmed or like everything is out of control. It makes sense, because a lot of things in the world are out of your control. What is in your control? How you take care of yourself, how you take care of your community, and how much media you consume. You may need to be careful about how much media you are consuming lately. It doesn't mean being completely unattached, but doom-scrolling can lead to a lot of hopelessness. The news is made to elicit fear, we simply cannot hold all of the world’s suffering. What would reducing your intake look like? How would you know if you needed to?
Additionally, if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, I want to invite you to try this grounding exercise - Butterfly Hug. This grounding exercise involves crossing your arms in front of your chest and tapping your biceps from side to side. This is a way to help connect you back in your body and to connect both sides of your brain. Click here for a demonstration of Butterfly Hug.
As always, take what is helpful and leave the rest. I hope you have the week you need.