As we have been talking about COVID more and noticing our exhaustion and hopelessness, I was reminded of this video published in early 2020 by Dr. Russ Harris. The video focuses on an acronym that Dr. Harris created to respond to COVID. It feels just as relevant now as it did in 2020. We know a bit more, but our information is ever-changing. It is easy to feel hopeless when we don't know when we can come back to our community, when we can reach our goals, or celebrate our milestones. Maybe things look different, but how can you embody what you need from yourself for yourself and your community during this time?


The acronym is as follows:

F - focus on your goals

A - acknowledge your thoughts and feelings

C - come back to your body

E - engage in what your doing

C - committed action

O - opening up

V - values

I - identify resources

D - disinfect and distance


Click here to access Dr. Russ Harris’s video (less than 5 and half minutes) that explains what each of these steps look like.

I invite you to watch the video and reflect on what you have been doing to FACE COVID and what you might need to start focusing on. As always, take what is helpful and leave the rest. I hope you have the week you need.


Values-Based Living


Why Can’t I Make a Decision?