Mindful Art Practice
I was thinking about how although I call this “Mindful Monday,” I haven’t written about mindfulness in awhile. So, I did a google search, so I could find some inspiration and/or a guided meditation to use and came across this article by Healthline - 32 Mindfulness Activities to Find Calm at Any Age. It reminded me of a mindfulness activity I used to use in my own practice, but I have fallen out of using, so I thought I would share it with you.
What you will need is a surface (paper, canvas, cardboard, etc.) and something to mark it with (pen, pencil, crayon, paint, etc.). Once you’ve identified what you’re using (for the rest of this I will write as if you are using a colored pencil and paper), you can set a timer or go by your intuition - I would try for at least 5 minutes. Then, just move the pencil across the paper without a goal. Let go of trying to create something. Just focus your intention on what it looks like to have the paper marked, how your body feels as you move the pencil, notice how the edge of the pencil transforms as it is worn down. Again, let go of the urge to try to make art. Just notice. I prefer to use only one color, because it helps me to calm my urge to create something, so I can focus on being in the moment.
This practice can be helpful when you feel a little too restless to do a sitting meditation. It can also be helpful when you’re feeling creatively blocked. Sometimes it can just be helpful to start to create something, anything, when you’re feeling creatively blocked.
As always, take what is helpful and leave the rest. I hope you have the week you need.